Wednesday 18 November 2020

112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra By Ranjit Chaudhri | Free PDF Download | Ebook download

112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra By Ranjit Chaudhri | Free PDF Download | Ebook download

112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra By Ranjit Chaudhri | Free PDF Download | Ebook download

About Book:

  • Title: 112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
  • Author: Ranjit Chaudhri
  • Publisher: Prakash Book Depot
  • Pages: 201
  • Size: 10 MB
  • Language: English
  • Extension: PDF
  • Year: 2013
  • Book Rating:


112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra By Ranjit Chaudhri | Free PDF Download | Ebook download

The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra is one of yoga's most important texts. It is an ancient text on yoga and meditation revealed by God centuries ago.

It was written to show mankind how to reach a state of enlightenment.

The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra contains a great deal of practical wisdom. It shows people how to overcome suffering and find peace and joy in their lives.

Although written centuries ago, the message of The Vigyan Bhairva Tantra is eternal. It was meant for all times.


112 Meditations for Self Realization: Vigyan Bhairav Tantra By Ranjit Chaudhri | Free PDF Download | Ebook download

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