Monday 13 July 2020

The 3 (Three) Mistakes of My Life By Chetan Bhagat│Free PDF Book Download

The 3 (Three) Mistakes of My Life By Chetan Bhagat│Free PDF Book Download

About Book:

  • Author : Chetan Bhagat
  • Publisher: Rupa & Co
  • Pages: 144
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Language: English
  • Extension: PDF
  • Year: 2008
  • Book Rating:
The 3 (Three) Mistakes of My Life By Chetan Bhagat│Free PDF Book Download│Ebook Download


In late-2000, a young boy in Ahmedabad called Govind dream of having a business. To accomodate his friends Ish and Omi's passion, they open a cricket shop. Govind's wants to make money and thinks big. Ish is all about nurturing Ali, the batsman with a rare gift. Omi knows his limited capabiltiies and just wants to be with his friends. However, nothing comes easy in a turbulent city. To realize their goals, they will have to face it all - religious politics, earthquakes, riots, unacceptable love and above all, their own mistakes. Will they make it? Can an individual's dreams overcome the nightmares offered by real life? Can we succeed despite a few mistakes?

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