Monday 29 June 2020

Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built By Duncan Clark │Free PDF Book Download

Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built By Duncan Clark │Free PDF Book Download

Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built By Duncan Clark Free PDF Book Download

About Book:
  • Author : Duncan Clark
  • Publisher: Ecco Press
  • Pages: 253
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Language: English
  • Extension: PDF
  • Year: 2016
  • Book Rating:

Alibaba is an unusual name for a Chinese company. Its founder, Jack Ma, a
former English teacher, is an unlikely corporate titan.

Yet the house that Jack built is home to the largest virtual shopping mall
in the world, soon to overtake Walmart in the amount of goods sold. The
company’s IPO on the New York Stock Exchange in September 2014 raised
$25 billion, the largest stock market flotation in history. In the months that
followed, Alibaba’s shares soared, making it one of the top ten most
valuable companies in the world, worth almost $300 billion. Alibaba
became the most valuable Internet company in the world after Google, its
shares worth more than Amazon and eBay combined. Nine days before the
IPO, Jack celebrated his fiftieth birthday, the soaring value of his stake
making him the richest man in Asia.

But since that peak Alibaba’s life as a publicly listed company has not
gone according to plan. Its shares fell by half from their post-IPO peak,
even briefly falling below the initial offer price. Investor concerns were
sparked in early 2015 by a surprising entanglement with a government
agency over intellectual property, then fueled by the slowing Chinese
economy and volatile stock markets, which dragged down Alibaba’s shares
in their wake.


Chapter One The Iron Triangle

Chapter Two Jack Magic

Chapter Three From Student to Teacher

Chapter Four Hope and Coming to America

Chapter Five China Is Coming On

Chapter Six Bubble and Birth

Chapter Seven Backers: Goldman and SoftBank

Chapter Eight Burst and Back to China

Chapter Nine Born Again: Taobao and the Humiliation of eBay

Chapter Ten Yahoo’s Billion-Dollar Bet

Chapter Eleven Growing Pains

Chapter Twelve Icon or Icarus?

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